There described by Joseph Archer Crowe and Giovanni Battista Cavalcaselle, A History of Painting in North Italy, Venice, Padua, Vicenza, Verona, Ferrara, Milan, Friuli, Brescia, from the Fourteenth to the Sixteenth Century, 2 vols., London, 1871: 1:295 n. 1: "There are pictures in Padua which have the stamp of Gentile, and may for want of a better name be called by that of Nerito: Padua, Marchese Galeazzo Dondi Orologio, St. Michael enthroned with a dragon under his feet, natural in pose. His dress is that of an ecclesiastic; with much embossment. The manner of the artist is a mixture of Guariento and Michele Giambono, perhaps a little better than that of the pictures by the latter. Were not our attention called to Nerito, we should say this was a work by Giambono... Further St. John the Baptist, St. Peter, and a bishop, oblong panels, in possession of Conte [sic] Galeazzo Dondi-Orologio." On the Dondi Dall'Orologio family, see Vittorio Spreti, Enciclopedia storico-nobiliare italiana, 9 vols., Milan, 1928-1931: 2:623.
Tancred Borenius (ed.) in Crowe and Cavalcaselle, A History of Painting in North Italy..., 2nd ed., 3 vols., New York, 1912: 3 n. 1) was unable to trace the panel, which had probably already been sold by 1895. Another painting from the same altarpiece, Saint Michael the Archangel Enthroned (Biblioteca Berenson at Villa I Tatti, near Florence), also from the Dondi dall'Orologio household, was by 1895 in London in the collection of Jean Paul Richter (see Bernard Berenson, Venetian Painting, Chiefly before Titian, at the Exhibition of Venetian Art, London, 1895: 6).